Brentview News & Insights

Why rules-based portfolios limit investment choices

It is not uncommon to have guidelines within an investment portfolio. In fact, to generate repeatable results an investor should have some parameters in place to assure that an investment approach is reliable, repeatable, and consistent. However, sometimes screening methodologies are introduced to quickly eliminate companies from a broader list towards a shorter investable universe.
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Q3 2021 Portfolio Commentary

The S&P 500 had a fast start to the third quarter of 2021 only to be slowed by negative returns in the final month. September’s -4.7% return marked the first monthly drop since January. Despite a poor September, the S&P 500 managed a 0.6% return for the third quarter, compared to Brentview Dividend Growth’s return of -1.2%. Market volatility had been relatively contained for several months and in a steady decline since the beginning of the pandemic in early 2020 as seen in Chart 1.
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Looking to yield some performance alpha? Look past dividend yield alone.

Topic: Commentary
Dividend investing is a conservative way to approach equities. One common trap that many investors fall into is solely focusing on dividend yield alone. The chart below shows the relative performance since 2015 of S&P 500 constituents.
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Brentview Dividend Growth Added to Envestnet | PMC Select List

Topic: Envestnet
Brentview Investment Management, LLC, is pleased to announce that our Dividend Growth separately managed account (SMA) strategy has been added to the Large Cap Core segment of the Envestnet | PMC Select List, effective July 8th.
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Q2 2021 Portfolio Commentary

Stocks continued their record run in the second quarter of 2021. The S&P 500 1st half return of 15.3% in 2021 turned in the third best six month return stream. As seen in Exhibit 1, 1st half 2019 was the strongest period with an 18.5% return, followed by 1st half 1998 with 17.7%. All said, the S&P 500 completed its fifth straight quarter of gains, a feat not seen since the 1953-1954 period. Non payers ended the quarter on a very strong note, especially during the last month.
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U.S. News Q&A: Investing in Funds That Demonstrate Diversity

Topic: Diversity
The financial industry is known for being a boys club, especially where asset management is concerned. Firms with at least 50% minority or women ownership represented just 0.9% of total assets under management (AUM) in funds in 2017, according to the Knight Foundation's latest "Diversifying Investments" report. If you lower the bar to include firms with 25% to 49% diverse ownership, the number hardly improves at 1.3% of total AUM.
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The Ultimate Guide to Dividend Stocks

We answer all your questions, from what a dividend is to how to find the best dividend stocks.
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Q1 2021 Portfolio Commentary

Investors had a lot of cheer about as equity markets reached all-time highs and the covid-19 vaccine began to reach the US population during the first quarter of 2021. Driven by a favorable backdrop, the Brentview Dividend Growth strategy outperformed the S&P 500, our primary index in the first quarter. On a gross basis the Dividend Growth strategy returned 6.54% vs. the S&P 500 return of 6.17%.
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2021 Dividend Increase Announcements

For the first two months of 2021, 28% of our portfolio holdings have announced dividend increases of 10% on average. For the same timeframe in 2020, 18% of our portfolio had announced dividend increases of 7.5% on average. Both the breadth and average increase have picked up in 2021 versus last year.
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Q4 2020 Portfolio Commentary

Heading into 2020 it was not uncommon to see metaphors for the forthcoming year as “the year of perfect vision.” However, as the year progressed it became apparent that visibility was anything but clear. For the fourth quarter Dividend Growth slightly underperformed the S&P 500, despite our strategy maintaining a lower beta position. On a gross of fee basis Dividend Growth was up 11.41% for the period versus 12.13% for the S&P 500. For the full year, Brentview returned 12.91% versus 18.39% for the S&P 500.
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This commentary reflects the views of the Brentview Investment Management and is subject to change as market and other conditions warrant. No forecasts are guaranteed. This commentary is provided for informational purposes only and is not an endorsement of any security, sector, or index. The commentary should not be seen as a solicitation or offer to buy or sell any securities. The advisor (Brentview Investment Management, LLC), and their employees and clients, may hold or trade the securities mentioned in this commentary. Diversification does not guarantee a profit or eliminate the risk of a loss.